DigiCal is now available in 27 languages:
Català, Český, Dansk, Deutsch, ελληνικά, English (US & international), Español, Eesti, Français, Galego, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenská, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, Русский, 한국어, 繁體中文, 简体中文 and 日本語!
DigiCal automatically uses the default language on your Android OS.
If you wish to change your language in DigiCal (Android 4.0+):
1. Go to "Preferences" and click on "General"
2. Tap on Language
3. Choose your desired language
When you are running version lower than Android 4.0, you will need to change your system language in order to display it in your desired language.
For example if you want to have French in DigiCal, you will need to make sure that your Android OS language is also French.
1. Go to your Android system settings and tap on Language & Input
For example if you want to have French in DigiCal, you will need to make sure that your Android OS language is also French.
1. Go to your Android system settings and tap on Language & Input
2. Tap on Select language and choose your desired language
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