You can now subscribe to more than 560k public calendars in the categories sports events, TV shows, holidays, religion, finance and lifestyle via DigiCal's calendar store. The calendar events will also be available to other calendar apps on your device.
For only €3.50 per year, you will have unlimited access to all these interesting calendars.
- Want to stay updated of the upcoming public holidays and notable days? Our database covers more than 100+ countries.
- Easily look up when your favorite local and international sport team are playing and follow the scores in the event description.
- Don't miss out when public companies announce their quarterly and yearly results. Subscribe to the company events listed on the major stock exchanges in the world.
- Don't forget your favorite TV show! TV show schedules from more than 21 countries are available.
Browse through our calendar catalog to see what we have to offer! You can freely preview all the events available for each calendar subscription.
*Your subscribed calendar choices won't sync to other devices and you'll need to add them on each device you own manually via the DigiCal calendar store (your licence is connected to your Google account so as long as you sign in to that account you'll be able to access the store).
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